Working with BigQuery

In this tutorial we will look at the examples of working with BigQuery using the package bigrquery. You will need: - Install bigrquery package - Service account key (how to create it you can find here) - Enable BigQuery api in google cloud console bigrquery From bigrquery description: The bigrquery package makes it easy to work with data stored in Google BigQuery by allowing you to query BigQuery tables and retrieve metadata about your projects, datasets, tables, and jobs. [Read More]

Export reports

Here I will show you simple examples of exporting your reports using: - google sheets (googlesheets) - excel files (openxlsx) - email (mailR) Export with google sheets You will need: - Install googlesheets package - Service account key (how to create it you can find here) Do not to forget enable google sheets api in google cloud console. About options(httr_oob_default = TRUE) you can read here. Example options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = "https://www. [Read More]

Unsampled reports from Google Analytics

Hi! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to get unsampled data from google analytics with R language library googleAnalyticsR from Mark Edmondson. You will need Google Analytics account Google Cloud Console R language Rstudio How to Enable Analytics API in google cloud console, create project if you have’t. Create service account key. Add service account client_email to Google Analytics. Admin -> Account (User Management) -> Add service account email. [Read More]