Here I will show you simple examples of exporting your reports using:
- google sheets (googlesheets)
- excel files (openxlsx)
- email (mailR)

Export with google sheets

You will need:
- Install googlesheets package
- Service account key (how to create it you can find here)

Do not to forget enable google sheets api in google cloud console.

About options(httr_oob_default = TRUE) you can read here.


options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = "")
options(httr_oob_default = TRUE)

library(googlesheets) # library for working with google sheets
library(googleAuthR)  # library for auth with google api

gar_auth_service(json_file="/srv/shiny-server/intelis/yd/d.json") # add serviceKey

all_sheets <- gs_ls() # all sheets

iris_ss <- gs_new("iris", input = head(iris, 3), trim = TRUE) # create new sheet from an R object

Export with email

I like this method, often use this method on projects.

You will need:
- Install mailR package
- Email on which reports will be sent (you can create something like [email protected])

Yup, enable api.

If you have problems turn on secure app access.



send.mail(from = "from email",
          to = c("to email"),
          subject = "Test",
          body = paste0("Test"),
          encoding = "utf-8",
          smtp = list( = "", port = 465, = "you email", passwd = "password", ssl = TRUE), # example for gmail
          authenticate = TRUE,
          send = TRUE,
          #attach.files = "", # you can add file
          debug = TRUE)

Excel file

You will need:
- Install openxlsx


wb <- createWorkbook("report") # create workbook

addWorksheet(wb, "total") # add worksheet

hs <- createStyle(fgFill = "forestgreen", halign = "CENTER", textDecoration = "bold",
                  border = "TopBottomLeftRight", fontName = "Calibri", fontSize = 11) # create head style

writeData(wb, sheet = "total", "you data here", startCol = 1, startRow = 1, headerStyle = hs, borders = "all") # write data to sheet

saveWorkbook(wb, paste0("report_", Sys.Date(), ".xlsx"), overwrite = TRUE) # save workbook