Hi! In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to get unsampled data from google analytics with R language library googleAnalyticsR from Mark Edmondson.
You will need
- Google Analytics account
- Google Cloud Console
- R language
- Rstudio
How to
Enable Analytics API in google cloud console, create project if you have’t.
Create service account key.
Add service account client_email to Google Analytics. Admin -> Account (User Management) -> Add service account email.
Write script in Rstudio.
options(googleAuthR.scopes.selected = c("https://www.googleapis.com/auth/analytics")) # Add options for working with google analytics api
library(googleAuthR) # Help auth to google analytics
library(googleAnalyticsR) # Connect library for working with google analytics
gar_auth_service("googleAnalytics.json") # Add auth token
gaId <- "youId" # View ID in google analytics
from <- Sys.Date() - 2
to <- Sys.Date() - 1
ga <-
date_range = c(from, to),
metrics = c("pageviewsPerSession", "sessionDuration"),
dimensions = c("date", "sourceMedium", "keyword"),
anti_sample = TRUE